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To register for a course, click on the link below and follow the instructions. All karst field studies participants (Graduate, Undergraduate, Workshop) must register through this link and pay the non-refundable lab fee as a deposit. Participants registering for graduate and undergraduate credit must also register for the class using traditional WKU course registration procedures and WKU TopNet. The University's official WKU TopNet registration will open in late March, but WKU graduate and undergraduate participants should reserve their spot in the course well ahead of time through the link below. Please click the Undergraduate & Graduate box below for full information and instructions on how to proceed with registering for academic credit. The registration deadline for Summer 2024 courses is Monday, May 6, 2024.



Participants are not required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 but are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to be.

Participants must be high school graduates or equivalent and in good physical condition. All participants are required to have medical insurance. After registration is complete, submit all required forms found under the "Required Forms" tab.

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